
Saturday, August 3, 2019

Today we withness a new wave of  efforts to privatize public education and gain access to the teacher pension funds. Privatization is not a small matter as billions of dollars are  involved that could mean big profits to the private sector. In addition, coversion to a voucher system would provide an instant subsidy to parents of  childern attending private schools. The local elected school boards  would be deemed obsolite and replaced with corporate boards headed by a CEO .
Community oversite would be eliminated as parents and other stakeholders willnot have access corprate records or program outrcomes. Oh yeah, the curriculum  would be generalized or profit based as the adoption process would be proprietary.
Our teacher unions would be eliminated and the concept of tenure would become replaced  applying for a position. The teacher retirement would be absorbed by "Wall Street" . The rights of teachers would be determined by how much they contribute to the corporate bottom line. Oh yeah, teacher standards and qualification would change to accommodate the high turnover rates of the new evaluation system. The universities would no longer have credential programs because teacher training would be determined by the corporations.
So as we enter this new school year  perhaps this possible future can be pondered.